Xelder: Oh, how this happens more than people realize, they don't apply Matthew 18, instead they text, telephone, or type their warped views before they will approach you. Don't trust the slimeball, he's not done with you, and he is going to keep shooting his mouth off! Good work on hammering him!
For a religion that preaches love and forgiveness, the followers of the Watchtower Society rarely practice these qualities. The hatred, rage and revenge are never throughly done with, they wait on Satan for the perfect time to get you back! Jesus is not backing a religion that causes so much pain and discord, "My brother said he will die for me, how can this be, he has never spoken a word to me in ten years!"
@Blondie, how long have you been away from the Congregation? As of June 2012, gossip is practiced under the guise of "concerned" by people who have no business knowing any details regarding Shepperding Issues or Judicial matters. I know a couple of of these gossip addicts who know more information Circuit-wide, than our serving CO, how and who are sharing such secret matters is wicked. When a brother tells you, "hey I heard brother jones is going to be disfellowshiped on Friday night" and you ask him "How do you know this, his congregation is fifty miles away?" he replies "Just wait and see" and brother jones is disfellowshiped! His inside knowledge of circuit-wide private, personal and need -to-know basis, taught me how screwed up men can be!
@ JWN Lurkers: I believe there are men who play gossip on the phone throughout the day, chatting about "their flock" and all the sins "their flock" have committed. I would never recommend anyone to confess anything to a elder again, your better off going to a psychologist or public health servant, or go to the low-cost clinic and talk. If you want your personal business to fall into the hands of men without scrupples, that's your business too, but I highly recommend looking up some "help numbers" run by charities to get you through your problems.